General Conditions





Kalorama Festival Unipessoal, Lda

Address: Rua Jerónimo Osório, 11, 1º, 1400-119 Lisbon, Portugal


Contact telephone number: +351935453450

(hereinafter the "Company")




Tickets are deemed to be sold at the registered office of the Company. Purchasing the ticket means accepting these general terms and conditions (notwithstanding any others that may apply if the ticket is purchased through another payment platform and/or gateway belonging to an entity other than the Company and/or using any other method or mechanism).


The purchase of tickets through any point of sale, online or physical shop, implies acceptance of the following conditions:



1.1 The 3-day ticket and the day ticket give access to the venue and must be exchanged for a wristband, which is placed on the wristband at the time of exchange. This exchange must take place in person and no loose wristbands will be given out. The 3-day ticket, daily tickets and wristband are personal and non-transferable. If these items are lost or poorly preserved, access to the site will not be authorised.

1.2 The organizers will deny access to the enclosure to any ticket holder who is in any of the following circumstances

1.2.1 If the user does not have a valid admission system and/or if the admission system is incomplete, altered, damaged, deteriorated, destroyed and/or appears to be false.

1.2. 2 The bearer manifests a violent attitude or publicly incites hatred, violence or discrimination on the grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other social or personal condition or circumstance and, in particular, the bearer behaves aggressively or causes disturbances outside or at the entrance, carries weapons or objects that may be used as such, carries clothes, objects or symbols that incite violence or presuppose apologies for activities contrary to the fundamental rights recognized in the Constitution.

1.2.3 The bearer shows symptoms of drunkenness or of being on or having taken drugs or narcotics.

1.2.4 The exercise of the right to admission shall in no case result in the bearer being denied access on the grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other personal or social circumstance or condition.

1.2.5 When entering the venue, the public may be subject to a police search under the law. The entry of objects that may be considered dangerous by the organisation or that are prohibited by current regulations is not permitted. 

1.2.6 When the requirements and demands for the admission of minors are not met.

1.2.7 The organizers may deny access or expel ticket-holders from the premises in case of non-compliance with the instructions of the organizer’s staff, as well as when it can be rationally assumed that a situation of risk or danger will be created for the ticket-holder or the remaining public, or for apparent or potential states of intoxication, with the ticket-holder being personally liable in all cases for their own actions or omissions that cause injury to third parties or damage to property.

1.3 No animals may enter the premises, with the exception of assistance dogs, within the meaning of Decree-Law 74/2007 of 27 March.



The purchase of tickets for the MEO KALORAMA festival implies the acceptance of the following conditions:

2.1 Once purchased, the ticket will only be exchanged or refunded in case of cancellation of the event. A cancellation is considered as such when more than half of the scheduled concerts are cancelled or the show does not take place at the venue, date and time scheduled. Cases of force major are those arising from unforeseeable events whose effects occur independently of the will of the promoter of the show, i.e. fires, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and other natural causes that directly prevent the performance of the show or other causes of force major not imputable to the organisation, do not give the right to reimbursement of the ticket price. In accordance with Decree-Law No. 23/2014, of 14 February. 

2.2 The tickets purchased are for personal use. Except in agreed cases, you may not resell or transfer (or seek to resell or transfer) the tickets in violation of the applicable terms.

2.3 The organization does not guarantee the authenticity of tickets that have not been purchased at official points of sale. The resale of tickets is not permitted. The festival organization takes no responsibility in case of loss or theft of the tickets.

2.4 The 3-day ticket and daily tickets must be exchanged for a wristband. The wristband is personal and non-transferable, valid for the 3 days only and cannot be returned or exchanged. If the wristband is lost or not properly kept, access to the festival grounds will not be authorised. If you notice something wrong with your bracelet, please access the Welcome Center outside of the park and bring your bracelet and proof of purchase. 

2.5 The ticket only allows access to authorized areas of the enclosure. The use of the ticket in unauthorized areas or its use in an irregular manner will result in its immediate seizure and expulsion from the enclosure.

2.6 The holder of the ticket acknowledges that he/she may appear in images collected by different means of communication inside the enclosure for their subsequent informative, promotional dissemination, authorizing the use of the same, which use is the responsibility of each means.

2.7 Possession of the ticket does not recognize the bearer's or any third party's right to use the ticket or its contents for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes (including competitions, gifts and/or raffles) associated with the bearer or any third party. Failure to comply with this point will oblige the advertiser and/or unauthorized user to pay an effective penalty equivalent to one thousand times the price of the ticket(s), without prejudice to subsequent claims for general damages.

2.8 All image and intellectual property rights are reserved. Any filming, recording or reproduction inside the enclosures is prohibited, unless otherwise indicated by the organizers.

2.9 The complaints booklet is available to interested people at the festival grounds and online at the festival site.

2.10 Drinks are not allowed. 

2.11 The entry of small quantities of food is allowed, however, in the scope of the inspections made by the competent authorities some certain foods may be identified that cannot be entered. 

2.12 If you have special needs, you may enter with food specific to your diet. Drinks are not allowed. Small quantities of food are allowed, however, when being searched by the competent authorities, some foodstuffs may be identified as prohibited (apples, pears...).

2.13 When entering the venue, the public may be searched by the competent entities in accordance with the legislation in force. It is expressly forbidden to bring into the venue any and all types of objects that may be considered dangerous or that are prohibited by the legislation in force, namely cans, helmets, selfie sticks, sharp and/or perforating objects, umbrellas, large-size powerpacks and firearms, or others that are considered dangerous by the competent entities.

2.12 Smoking is forbidden in all enclosed spaces of the venue, in compliance with the provisions of Law 37/2001 of 14 August.

2.13 The ticket holder acts at their own risk, expressly acknowledging that the Promoter cannot be held responsible for any risks or damages, nor for any other incident, whether this occurs before, during or after their stay in the premises, with the exception of incidents resulting from gross negligence or intentional harmful conduct by the Promoter.

2.14 Access to any of the attractions existing in the venue of the Event is only allowed to all those who accept the conditions contained in the respective regulations and the term of responsibility, when the completion of the same is a necessary condition for access to the attraction. The acceptance of the term of responsibility presupposes the correct and full completion of the same, corresponding signature and display of an identification document with the respective photograph, such as citizen card, identity card, passport or driving license. 

2.15 The ticket holder will lose all rights by leaving the premises. 

2.16 The Promoter of the Event may refuse access or stay in the VIP Area, as well as access to food and drinks, to ticket holders who are known or suspected to be drunk or under the influence of drugs and/or cause disturbance to the normal functioning of this area.

2.17 Access to the venue will not be allowed after 2:00 a.m. or after the time established for each specific event. After this time, no further admissions will be permitted and any exits will be without re-admission to the venue if this is after the time indicated.

2.18 Notwithstanding the above, if cashless means of payment are used, whether or not linked to the admission and/or payment system, they must be retained (together with associated data and information) for the refund of the relevant amounts where applicable.




3.1 Age classification: over 6 years old

3.2 Admission is free for children under 6 years old. Children aged between 3 and 6 do not pay, and toddlers under 3 years are not allowed in the premisses. 

3.3 Children between the ages of 6 and 15 (inclusive) may enter the festival paying the full price of the ticket and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must pay the full price of the ticket and carry the documentation that identifies them as such.

3.4 The organization informs that current legislation expressly forbids the sale of alcohol and tobacco to persons under 18 years of age.

3.5 Proof of identity (citizen card or passport) will be requested on admission to the venue

3.6 During their stay in the festival grounds and other facilities, parents or legal guardians will be responsible for any action taken by the minor, as well as for any consequences derived from it.

3.7 Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in expulsion from the festival grounds and does not entitle to a refund of the entry fee paid.


For all purposes it is considered that


The parent or legal guardian accompanying the minor must present, when entering the premises, as well as at any time when they are required to do so inside the premises, their identity card or legal document accrediting their relationship with the minor.


In the case of foreigners, they must provide the appropriate documents from their country of origin, equivalent to the above.


During their stay in the enclosure, parents or legal guardians will be responsible for any action taken by the minor, as well as for any consequences deriving from it.




It is informed that access to the venue and participation in the event implies express consent and authorization for the capture, reproduction, distribution and publication of image, including for promotional, advertising and / or commercial purposes, and by any means, including electronic means.


The participants transfer the rights to their own image, derived from their participation in the event, for the production of audiovisual materials on any type of support (including electronic means) and for their use, exploitation and dissemination through any technical procedure of reproduction or system of exploitation of image and sound. This transfer is made free of charge and without any temporal or territorial limitation, in favor of the promoter and the companies of the LAST TOUR group, and in favor of the media and press authorized for the event.




All image rights and intellectual and industrial property rights related to the content of the event, as well as of the artists and participants in the event, are reserved.


Taking photographs, as well as filming and/or recording within the venue and/or the content of the event, of the participants and of the participants in the event, is prohibited unless expressly authorized. 


Without prejudice to the above, the exploitation of any possible photography, filming or audio-visual recording of the interior of the venue and/or the contents of the event, including that of the participants and the participants in the event, is also prohibited.




The entirety of the content and elements that make up the entrance, the access system, as well as any document and/or element prior to the delivery of the aforementioned, necessary for their acquisition, and/or associated with them (i.e. both the texts and the graphic elements linked to the same design, source code, brands, logos, photographs, buttons, color combinations, and in general any element that constitutes a new intellectual creation - as well as its presentation structure, order, configuration and assembly, are the exclusive property of the owner or are licensed to the owner, and are the exclusive property of the owner, and in general any element constituting a new intellectual creation, as well as its presentation, structure, arrangement, configuration and assembly), are the exclusive property of or are licensed to the owner, and are protected by the Intellectual Property Law. The above may not be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred or transformed except with the express permission of the owner or owners of the rights. The acquisition and/or possession of the ticket and/or access system does not grant users any prerogative or ownership over the intellectual or industrial property rights related to the elements included therein.



7. PAYMENT PURCHASES - deadline 06/30/2024


During the purchasing process you will be given the option to choose the instalment purchase at the bottom of the page.


Once you have selected to purchase in instalments, you will be charged the first instalment (and associated operational fees) and the remaining two instalments will be automatically paid by direct debit by the festival date (as per the payment plan below).**


If you have not paid in full by the date of the last payment you will lose your booking rights and therefore any rights to the ticket in accordance with our legal terms and conditions. There is no refund for non-payment of one or more instalments.


The purchase in instalments is subject to the same sales conditions as the general purchase.


The festival ticket is sent to your email as soon as all instalments are paid.


For purchases made until 31 January 2024

  • 2nd instalment is charged on 01 March 2024
  • 3rd instalment is charged on 01 May 2024


For purchases made between 01 February 2022 and 31 March 2024

  • 2nd instalment is charged on 01 May 2024
  • 3rd instalment is charged on 01 July 2024


For purchases made between 01 April 2022 and 30 June 2024

  • 2nd instalment is charged on 01 July 2024
  • 3rd instalment is charged on 01 August 2024





  • Lisboa Camping & Bungalows is an external entity with which there is a discount partnership on presentation of the festival ticket
  • The prices stipulated on the website are only valid for purchasers of tickets for access to the MEO KALORAMA Festival
  • At the reception of Lisboa Camping & Bungalows, the festival ticket as well as the identification data of the bearer of the camping or bungalow ticket will be requested.
  • The access to Lisboa Camping & Bungalows is subject to the terms and conditions of Lisboa Camping & Bungalows




  • Yacooba is a third-party managed platform that offers the sale of discounted tickets to MEO KALORAMA Festival as part of its packages that may include flights, hotels and other tourism products. To access Yacooba's full terms and conditions when booking these packages, please go to for more information
  • These tickets are available for purchase on the Fever website using the promotional code stipulated on the Yacooba website
  • Yacooba will be responsible for confirming the packages purchased and will therefore notify the event attendee of their promotional code to be used when making the ticket transaction.
  • The prices stipulated on the website are valid only for purchasers of tickets for access to the MEO KALORAMA Festival.



The Promoter of the Event reserves the right to, at any time, update and introduce amendments and additions to the rules set out in these Terms and Conditions, without prior notice, so the ticket holder must, periodically, to keep informed, consult and review them in the official website of the Event (, which will always contain the updated version of the same, and may not claim ignorance of any changes and additions made.


The Event Promoter reserves the right to change or modify the programming of the Event.


In cases not covered by this rule, the legislation in force will apply.


The ticket holder expressly declares that he/she has read, understood and accepted, fully and without reservation, these Terms and Conditions and is fully aware of the rights and obligations arising from them.