Other confirmations include: Loyle Carner, Fever Ray, Gossip, Yves Tumor, Olivia Dean, Filipe Catto, Jalen Ngonda, Emmy Curl, Unsafe Space Garden, Soulwax, Bandalos Chinos, Cláudia Pascoal, dEUS, Luiza Lian and Moonchild Sanelly

MEO Kalorama the festival located in the beautiful Parque da Bela Vista inLisbon announces its second wave of artists for the 2024 event. New additionsto its already stellar lineup include Loyle Carner, Fever Ray, Gossip, YvesTumor, Olivia Dean, Peggy Gou, Filipe Catto, Jalen Ngonda, Emmy Curl,Unsafe Space Garden, Soulwax, Bandalos Chinos, Cláudia Pascoal, dEUS,Luiza Lian and Moonchild Sanelly. Previously confirmed artists are Sam Smith,The Kills, The Postal Service, The Smile, Death Cab For Cutie, Vagabon,Yard Act, LCD Soundsystem, Massive Attack, Ezra Collective, Overmono,English Teacher, Ana Lua Caiano, Ana Moura, Glockenwise, Jungle andNation of Language.
This new wave of acts will join already confirmed artists such as Sam Smith, TheKills, The Postal Service, The Smile, Death Cab For Cutie, Vagabon, YardAct, LCD Soundsystem, Massive Attack, Ezra Collective, Overmono,English Teacher, Ana Lua Caiano, Ana Moura, Glockenwise, Jungle andNation of Language.
Taking place on the 29th, 30th and 31st of August, MEO Kalorama providesattendees with a unique blend of musical exploration and cultural immersion forthe ideal end-of-summer festival getaway.
Nigerian superstar Burna Boy, who made Afrobeats a worldwide musicalphenomenon will close the third day of MEO Kalorama on August 31, with hisirresistible fusion of dancehall, hip hop, R&B and Afrobeat. On the same day,RAYE, the champion of the Brit Awards 2024 – including Artist of the Year andBest Album of the Year, making her the most awarded artist ever at a singleceremony – will present songs from her debut album ‘My 21st Century Blues’.
Today’s additions also include Soulwax pioneers of electro-techno; YvesTumor, with their genre-crossing experimentalism, will turn MEO Kalorama intotheir playground for a once-in-a-lifetime show. Known for her soft voice and lyricsthat everyone can relate to, Olivia Dean one of the most nominated artists at theBrit Awards 2024 will perform on the second day of the festival, August 30th. Alsoperforming on this day are LCD Soundsystem, The Smile, Death Cab For Cutie+ The Postal Service, Jungle, Ezra Collective, The Kills, English Teacher,Glockenwise and Nation of Language.
Opening the 3rd edition of MEO Kalorama on August 29, British MC LoyleCarner will present his introspective hip-hop, offering a sincere look at life, loveand loss. Peggy Gou, known for her housey pop bangers and upbeatperformances and the spectacular and eccentric Karin Dreijer aka Fever Ray isalso gracing Lisbon and will perform their latest album, ‘Radical Romantics’, aswell as Beth Ditto with Gossip – who are back together with their first album in12 years, ‘Real Power’. Electronic duo Overmono will also take over the stagethis day with their euphoric sets.
Also announced today is the Argentinian indie pop sextet Bandalos Chinos andthe Portuguese singer Cláudia Pascoal that will present her “weird-kitsch”universe. The Brazilian musical and visual artist Filipe Catto and the elegant andtimeless soul of the American Jalen Ngonda will also be a part of the 2024 bill.
The Belgium-based rock band dEUS, will present their critically acclaimed 2023album ‘How To Replace It’; as well as Brazilian singer-songwriter and visual artistLuiza Lian who merges elements of Brazilian music, electronic music, and pop.Another line-up highlight includes South African Moonchild Sanelly, whodescribes her music as future-ghetto-punk and features on Ghetts’ forthcomingalbum, ‘On Purpose With Purpose’ and track ‘Laps’, their first reunion since theirviral smash ‘Mozambique’ in 2021. Additional Portuguese artists announcedtoday are Emmy Curl, a singer-songwriter and visual artist and Unsafe SpaceGarden, a band known for their experimental sound and shows.
Luísa Galindo, Director of Marketing and Communication at MEO, the mainsponsor of the festival,says, “We are enthusiastically following the countdown to MEO Kalorama, afestival that has already taken on the leading role in closing the Portuguesesummer festival cycle. Although we are eager to discover all the new features ofthis edition, what we now know allows us to clearly state that the MEO brand isonce again signing another line-up of excellence and offering festival-goers thebest of music, arts and sustainability”.
Now in its third edition, MEO Kalorama has further strengthened the diversity, representativeness and inclusiveness of its musical curation, which, in addition to bringing together international and national artists, established and emerging,creates a transversal and surprising musical experience, increasingly guided bysocial sustainability, one of the festival’s main goals.
The We Are MEO Kalorama community can purchase their daily ticketsexclusively in MEO stores for €65 and this is also the last week that 3-day passeswill be on sale for the promotional price of €145, rising to €160 from 6 pm onApril 10th. From that date, in addition to MEO stores, tickets can also bepurchased at www.meokalorama.pt and feverup.com.